About Me...

"Im Michelle! 39 years old roughly and a mother to 3 boys. I believe that to raise children is a whole job on its own the ability to share my experience with others is important to me." 

Why I launched this website

As I just mentioned above I'm a mother of 3 boys ranging from 2.5 to 14 years old wowee the age gap is vast tell me about it.  we live in London the urban jungle that costs an arm and a leg I've found it's really important as a community to raise the next generation to share our experiences, teach each other skills to survive and live to the best possible ability we can.  I am a revert Muslim to some which can be scary but as you get to know me you will see I'm just as normal as the next person, possibly funny too...

How I aim to achieve this...

My journey through motherhood has been that of a roller-coaster of sorts, from the hardship of child loss, the joy of that first glance, the terrible 2's, and the exciting time of having a teenager.  I can't say it has been easy but having a good network of friends and family has helped the journey along.  I hope to share some of my experiences with you all, talk about some of the absolute failures so you don't make the same mistakes, speak about the healing journey of gardening that gave me a new lease of life and being crowned "the RHS School Gardening Champion 2019". also the highlights of joining the school Parent Teacher Association and many more exciting things.  

now you know a little bit about me please feel free to go look at my latest articles